Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekly Words

Happy Rainy Thursday!  This week's weather was perfect for beginning our unit about Spring.  We learned it rains more in Spring to help the plants and flowers grow.  Then we planted our own!  We chose between a bean plant and a daffodil.  So far one bean plant has begun to sprout.  We continue to water them daily and put them in the sun in hopes more will sprout soon.  

With the help of the book the Tiny Seed by Eric Carle, we discovered how plants naturally spread using the wind.  But seeds aren't the only things the wind blows!  Pat Hutchin's book The Wind Blew showed us everything can be moved by the wind if it is strong enough.  It was so much fun acting out the story with a audience of wind blowing objects around!

This week we also met Yellow YoYo Man from Letterland.  Yellow YoYo Man makes the /y/ sound.  Many friends brought objects for the Y table such as a yak, yoyo, yogurt, yellow pencil, and yoga moves!  Later in the week, we made yogurt parfaits with cherries and granola.  About half of us thought the yogurt was yummy.  The other half, yucky.  But it was fun to make the layers!

Next week is a four day week, and we will continue to learn about Spring and finish up the alphabet with letter Z.  Please bring an object beginning with the /z/ sound. 

Reminder: Spring Break is April 3-12.

Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the weekly slideshow, and see you Sunday! 

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