Monday, March 10, 2014

All Around the World

Today we had two very special guests in our class.  

Mr. Matthew, George's father, came to class to share with us about George's native country of India.  To begin, Mr. Matthew put sandalwood paste on all our foreheads, just like they do before school in India.  This is used to help all the information taught sink in our brains.  After we all had a dot of sandalwood paste, he told us a story of Ram and how Kerala, George's state in India, was founded by a throwing of a knife and splitting of the sea.  After the story, we watched as he showed us how to wear a mundu, the traditional clothes of Kerala.  Even with learning all this information, Mr. Matthew, also left us with Banana chips made in India.  Upon departing, he bowed his head and taught us the word "Namaste" for goodbye.  (It's also used for hello!)  We were very lucky to have Mr. Matthew here with us today to give us insight about India.  Thank you for coming!

In the afternoon, we had our second special guest Ms. Yasmine, Hussein's mom.  His little brother Saleem also came to help!  Ms. Yasmine and Hussein are from the country of Egypt.  She showed us the flag of Egypt, and then we had the chance to color our own flag with red, black, and a yellow eagle in the center.  Later, Ms. Yasmine shared harissa, a traditional Egyptian cake.  It was very delicious.  Thank you Ms. Yasmine for coming today we are happy to learn about Hussein's native country of Egypt! 

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