Thursday, March 13, 2014

Weekly Words

Thank you all for coming and sharing with our class about the different places of the world.  We all learned so much!  

Ms. Laura, Peter's mom, spoke with us about Ohio in the United States of America.  She told us that in Ohio they grow corn and brought us popcorn to munch on during snack.  She also showed us beautiful photos of Ohio.  It looked much different than Oman.  There was a lot of green! Thank you Ms. Laura for joining us. 

In the afternoon Ms. Hina, Zaha's mom, told us about Pakistan.  She shared a story Listen to the Wind by Greg Mortenson.  In this story, Greg gets lost in Pakistan, and and the local people help him.  In return, Greg helps builds a school for the village. After, Ms. Hina told us about henna and how in Pakistan they wear henna on special occasions.  She left a paper hand for us all the practice henna on next week.  Thank you Ms. Hina for sharing this special book. 


Next week is another short one for students.  Parent Conferences are Wednesday and Thursday.  This conference is student led.  It will be an opportunity for your child to show you everything they have completed during the school year.  Therefore, please bring your child to the conference.   :)

Have a great weekend, and see you at international day at 3pm in the green gym!  Enjoy the weekly slideshow. 

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