Thursday, October 24, 2013

Weekly Words

Our classroom is in full Fall mode with pumpkins popping up everywhere.  This week we have measured pumpkins with nonstandard units, measured our own height with pumpkins, learned how they grow, and made our own pumpkin patch. 

Did you know that most of us are 5 pumpkins tall?  By looking at the slideshow below, you can see the majority of our class are around 5 pumpkins in height.  Measuring our classmates with pumpkins taught us to always begin measuring at the bottom and not the middle. 

We also estimated the circumference of our pumpkin with string.   A lot of thought went into how long we cut our string.  We tried very hard to predict how fat the pumpkin was.  Many of us were right on target!

Later in the week we painted our very own pumpkin patch for the hallway.  We also made a real scarecrow to keep all the crows away from them!  We hope you like it when you come to conferences.  We worked very hard on making sure our pumpkins had all the parts we learned:  the shell, stem, and vine!

Today was Hussein's 4th birthday.  Hussein's mommy brought cupcakes to school to celebrate.  Thank you Yasmine for the special treat.  :)

Next week we are making pumpkin soup and learning about the letter G.  Conferences are Tuesday (29) and Wednesday (30); there will be no school for children.  I look forward to seeing you all next week at your scheduled time. 

Fall Festival is also next week on Thursday.  Early Childhood will have a parade in the school hallways on Thursday morning.  Please send your child in costume.  No toy weapons allowed.  After the parade, the events are planned by the teachers.  In the evening TAISM is hosting trick or treating and Fall Festival Fun at 6-8pm for the whole family!  I hope to see you there!

Lastly, the school nurse has sent home a few forms in some students' folders.  These are informing you that she is missing some paperwork.  Please have a look and act accordingly.  Thanks!

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the slideshow!

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