Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm Back!

Finally, after a long flight and a quick nap, I am back in the classroom!  I missed the children so much and was happy to receive all the hugs this morning!  My sister's wedding could not have been better, and I appreciate you all understanding my absence.  The picture below is me with the beautiful bride.  Even with a cold front and an outdoor wedding, she could not have looked prettier!

Ms. Wendy told me all the students were wonderful.  She said they tried extra hard to follow all directions and kept telling her to make sure she would "tell Mrs. Liz they were good!" :)   I came to the classroom pleasantly surprised to find all of the lessons I had left were completed and the students' work displayed.  Great job kids!  As many of you noticed, Mrs. Muna was also out on Sunday and Monday.  Her daughter, Talia, was hospitalized for a stomach virus but is now at home and doing much better. 

It also saddens me to inform you that Mrs. Gita's mother passed away on Monday.  She will be flying to India to be with her family October 29th thru November 3rd.  Please keep her in your thoughts. 

On a lighter note, the Early Childhood has a new addition... an awesome playground!!!  This playground was funded by the TAISM Ball last year, and is already loved by all the children.  Below is our class with their new playground. 

I hope you have a lovely evening.  Be looking for the weekly blog post tomorrow with more updates and information. Good Night! :)

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