Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hello October

Hi Parents,

We hope you had as great of a week as we did in EC2!  If you haven't seen our Early Childhood wing this week, you are missing out!  The children have been working hard since the 2nd week of school to complete their body paintings and they are finally displayed!  I took individual pictures of the body art for you that are unable to see them... It is scary how much they look like the children.  See if you can find yours in the slideshow below. 

This week was Delightful learning about the letter D and beginning our Fall Unit. Next week, we will move on to the letter E. Please send one object beginning with the /E/ sound for our Letter of the Week table. We will continue learning about Fall with the help of Earl the Squirrel by Don Freeman.  Earl will show us what clothing we should wear in the Autumn season.  

Mark your calendars!
TUESDAY, October 8th is PICTURE DAY.  This will be the photograph that will be placed in the 2013-14 yearbook.  

Below is our weekly slideshow.  Enjoy, and have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the self-portraits, and they seem nearly life size. Beautiful work EC2!
