Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall Festival Fun!

Hello Parents!

Below is a slideshow of our Fall Festival Parade.  Enjoy!  I hope to see you tonight at TAISM from 6-8pm for trick-or-treating and more fun Fall activities.  

Happy Halloween!

Happy Birthday Nour

Sunday was sweet Nour's 4th Birthday! She brought chocolates to school to celebrate.  Thank you and Happy Birthday Nour!! :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Conferences Tomorrow!

Conferences will begin at 8:30 am tomorrow until Wednesday afternoon.  I look forward to seeing you at your scheduled time.  

When the children return on Thursday, please send them in costume for the Fall Festival parade.  :)  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Weekly Words

Our classroom is in full Fall mode with pumpkins popping up everywhere.  This week we have measured pumpkins with nonstandard units, measured our own height with pumpkins, learned how they grow, and made our own pumpkin patch. 

Did you know that most of us are 5 pumpkins tall?  By looking at the slideshow below, you can see the majority of our class are around 5 pumpkins in height.  Measuring our classmates with pumpkins taught us to always begin measuring at the bottom and not the middle. 

We also estimated the circumference of our pumpkin with string.   A lot of thought went into how long we cut our string.  We tried very hard to predict how fat the pumpkin was.  Many of us were right on target!

Later in the week we painted our very own pumpkin patch for the hallway.  We also made a real scarecrow to keep all the crows away from them!  We hope you like it when you come to conferences.  We worked very hard on making sure our pumpkins had all the parts we learned:  the shell, stem, and vine!

Today was Hussein's 4th birthday.  Hussein's mommy brought cupcakes to school to celebrate.  Thank you Yasmine for the special treat.  :)

Next week we are making pumpkin soup and learning about the letter G.  Conferences are Tuesday (29) and Wednesday (30); there will be no school for children.  I look forward to seeing you all next week at your scheduled time. 

Fall Festival is also next week on Thursday.  Early Childhood will have a parade in the school hallways on Thursday morning.  Please send your child in costume.  No toy weapons allowed.  After the parade, the events are planned by the teachers.  In the evening TAISM is hosting trick or treating and Fall Festival Fun at 6-8pm for the whole family!  I hope to see you there!

Lastly, the school nurse has sent home a few forms in some students' folders.  These are informing you that she is missing some paperwork.  Please have a look and act accordingly.  Thanks!

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the slideshow!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kareem turns 4!

Over Eid, Kareem had a birthday, and today his mommy brought a cake and goodies to celebrate.  Thank you Hamza for making our class' day extra special!  Happy Birthday Kareem!

I'm Back!

Finally, after a long flight and a quick nap, I am back in the classroom!  I missed the children so much and was happy to receive all the hugs this morning!  My sister's wedding could not have been better, and I appreciate you all understanding my absence.  The picture below is me with the beautiful bride.  Even with a cold front and an outdoor wedding, she could not have looked prettier!

Ms. Wendy told me all the students were wonderful.  She said they tried extra hard to follow all directions and kept telling her to make sure she would "tell Mrs. Liz they were good!" :)   I came to the classroom pleasantly surprised to find all of the lessons I had left were completed and the students' work displayed.  Great job kids!  As many of you noticed, Mrs. Muna was also out on Sunday and Monday.  Her daughter, Talia, was hospitalized for a stomach virus but is now at home and doing much better. 

It also saddens me to inform you that Mrs. Gita's mother passed away on Monday.  She will be flying to India to be with her family October 29th thru November 3rd.  Please keep her in your thoughts. 

On a lighter note, the Early Childhood has a new addition... an awesome playground!!!  This playground was funded by the TAISM Ball last year, and is already loved by all the children.  Below is our class with their new playground. 

I hope you have a lovely evening.  Be looking for the weekly blog post tomorrow with more updates and information. Good Night! :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

AND Break!

Hi Moms and Dads!

This post holds a ton of information, so run and grab your calendars. :) 

Fall Break is next week.  School will resume on Sunday October 20th. Have a wonderful EID!
Over the break, I will be traveling to Texas for my sister's wedding.  I will return on Wednesday October 23 and will miss the first 3 days of the week.  Luckily, Ms. Muna and Ms. Gita will be here to greet, teach, and love your little ones while I am away.  Ms. Wendy will also be joining them to help out.  She has subbed multiple times in Early Childhood and has also been in our class in the years past.  She is so much fun, and I know the children will love her!

After break, we will be learning about letter Ff, so please send an object that begins with the /Ff/ sound.  We will also begin our pumpkin unit.  We will learn how the pumpkin grows and what's on the inside.  In math, we will begin measuring with the pumpkin using a variety of manipulatives.

The week after is also a busy one for the calendars.  Please mark these important dates.

October 29&30-  Parent/Teacher Conferences-  No school for children.  You will be receiving your assigned time soon.  If you are unable to make this time, please contact me to reschedule.

October 31- Fall Festival-  Early Childhood and Kindergarten will be having a costume parade around the hallways of TAISM.  The children ARE encouraged to dress up this day.  We ask that you do not send any toy weapons.  This will be a day of Fall Fun.  Parents, you are welcome to join/watch the parade!  We will begin at 9am.

In addition, TAISM and parent volunteers host an amazing Fall Festival for all friends in the evening 6 to 8.  It will be a night of trick or treating and games for the whole family!  I hope to see you there. 

Mrs. Beata, the parent volunteer coordinator, has asked us to remind you to please send a bag of candy with your child to school for the Fall Festival.  No nuts please.  

That's all the information I have for you now!  Sorry for the overload.  Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing the children on the 23rd and all of you at conferences! 

Below is our weekly slideshow.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Elmo's Elegant Eggs

Tuesday at cooking, we made Elmo's Elegant Eggs.  This are one of my personal favorites (probably because my mother makes them every Thanksgiving).  We had a split class on the children liking the eggs with me.  13 said "thumbs up" with 7 "thumbs down".  Below is a slideshow of them elegantly making their eggs. :)  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Picture Day Tomorrow!

Sorry for the late blog post. As I was about to go to bed, I realized I did not remind everyone about picture day tomorrow. Send your child in their best smiles and camera ready in the morning! Thanks! :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hello October

Hi Parents,

We hope you had as great of a week as we did in EC2!  If you haven't seen our Early Childhood wing this week, you are missing out!  The children have been working hard since the 2nd week of school to complete their body paintings and they are finally displayed!  I took individual pictures of the body art for you that are unable to see them... It is scary how much they look like the children.  See if you can find yours in the slideshow below. 

This week was Delightful learning about the letter D and beginning our Fall Unit. Next week, we will move on to the letter E. Please send one object beginning with the /E/ sound for our Letter of the Week table. We will continue learning about Fall with the help of Earl the Squirrel by Don Freeman.  Earl will show us what clothing we should wear in the Autumn season.  

Mark your calendars!
TUESDAY, October 8th is PICTURE DAY.  This will be the photograph that will be placed in the 2013-14 yearbook.  

Below is our weekly slideshow.  Enjoy, and have a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

D is for Dirt

It's that time again!  Tuesday = cooking day!  Today we made Daisy's Dirt Dessert.  After recess, we washed our dirty hands and dug right in!  We made an AB pattern by layering dirt (crumbled oreo) and mud (spoon of chocolate pudding) and topped with a worm.  Of course, the children thought it was Delicious!  I try every year to think of a healthy alternative for this cooking, but then I think of how much the kids LOVE it... and I give in... sorry mom and dad!  I will be better the rest of the year! ;)  Enjoy the slideshow.