Thursday, April 24, 2014

Weekly Words

This week we continued learning about nutrition and the five food groups.  We learned that dairy is a food group that is not just milk!  It includes cheese, yogurt, butter, and even ice cream!  Everyday we checked our snacks to see how many food groups we have.  This week Lenny, Rawan, and Lena had all 5!!  

Next week, we will complete our nutrition unit with the protein, vegetable and fruit groups. It is also Book Week and the illustrator Shoo Rayner is coming to visit TAISM.  For more information, please check the flyer in your child's folder.

It is beginning to get hot again outside, and we ask you to send hats with your child to school for recess.  Please LABEL these with your child's name so it may return home safely. :) 

Mother's Day is just around the corner, and we would like to invite all the Mommies to a Mother's Day Brunch on Wednesday May 7 at 8:45.  You won't want to miss it so mark your calendars!

Enjoy the slideshow of swimming today.  A special thank you to Ms. Griet, Charlotte's mom, for helping us with changing!  Next week there is no "day 2" on the calendar; therefore, there is NO SWIMMING for our class.  We will swim again on the following Sunday May 4th.  


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