Thursday, April 24, 2014

Helping the Earth Hand in Hand!

Thank you to all the parents for helping our class understand the importance of talking care of our Earth.  The children have made many Earth Day Promises to carry out throughout the year.  Here is a list the students made of how we are going to help take care of our planet!
  • We will turn off the lights when we are not in the room
  • We will turn off the water while brushing our teeth
  • We will throw our trash in the bin
  • We will recycle our paper, plastic, and cans 
  • We will pick up trash
  • We are not going to cut down trees or pick so many flowers.
  • We are going to ride our bike to our friend's house instead of riding in a car. (After we ask our parents. ;) )
The slideshow below shows the children presenting all the things they do to keep our Earth a happy place.

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