Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weekly Words

Rain couldn't stop our Omani Tent Day!  We moved inside to the green gym and enjoyed the festivities.  Below is a slideshow of all our fun! Next week we will be celebrating the 100th day of school. Can you believe it?! 100 DAYS!!! I feel lucky to have gotten to know your growing little ones the last 100 days and look forward to the rest of the year with them! On Tuesday, we will be making a 100th Day Trail Mix with your help. Please send in 100 small pieces of food to add to our class trail mix. It can be anything small and dry. For example, raisins, gold fish, pretzels, Cheerios, small marshmallows, etc. We look forward to seeing what 100 pieces they bring. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow and hope you had a lovely weekend.

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