Monday, February 3, 2014

Exploring the Natural History Museum

Wow!  The Natural History Museum was a lot of fun!  We got to see huge bones from a sperm whale and hear the sounds the whales make.  We found out that in Oman, we see and hear two types of whales: sperm and humpback.  We also see and hear dolphins.  Most of us have seen the dolphins in the ocean, but we really wish we could see the big whales too!  Next time we are on the beach we are going to keep watch!  After the Whale Exhibit we moved on to the Natural History Museum.  We got to see all sorts of animals that live in Oman.  Our favorite was the leopard, but also saw oryx, owls, hedgehog, lizards, snakes, and many more!  Thank you to the nice people at the Natural History Museum that let us visit today and gave us coloring books.  We can't wait to go back!

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