Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wonderful Week One!

Hi Parents,

What a wonderful first week!  Thank you all for sending in the signed blog and info sheets.  Now I can post some pics of your cuties!  We have spent this week getting to know all of the students and learning to ins and outs of our classroom!  I am finally being called Ms. Liz instead of "teacher".... well, most of the time.  AND the children are beginning to pick up on all the routines of the classroom, learning to use the SMART board, and how to hold their pencil correctly.   Ask your child about their favorite part of the first week! 

With the help of the book First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg we flew through the first week of school with little fear and only a few tears.  And thanks to the yummy Jitter Juice we made (orange juice with a splash of ginger ale), most of our jitters, we drank away!  

This week we also figured out how many letters are in our names.  Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes guided us through the counting.  Chrysanthemum has 13 letters in her name!  We were lucky with the longest name in our class being only 9 letters. :)

Here are the children on their first day of school. And people ask why I love my job... just look at those precious faces!!!

 Next week will be another busy one.  Monday Sept. 9th will be Back to School Night.  I encourage all parents to attend.  We will tell you all about the classroom, explain all procedures, and answer any questions.  It begins at 6:30 (5:45 for new TAISM parents) in the Bosch Center.  I am excited to see you there... I might need a little Jitter Juice before our meeting. ;)  Now I know how the kids feel! 

We will also begin the unit All About Me and learn about the letter A.  Sunday you may bring in an object beginning with the /Aa/ sound.  This will stay in our classroom all week and be sent home on Thursday.

That is all for now.  Here are a few more pictures of the week.  Enjoy!

Have a great weekend,
Ms. Liz


  1. Peter talked about eating a cookie. He also said the class went to the beach and swimming in the school pool. I can see from the slideshow that the cookies are true. And the other two?

    The classroom is shaping up nicely. Lots of color and work by the students. It's a great way for us parents to get a sense of what our little ones are doing. A fantastic first week. Well done!

  2. I really enjoyed the photos that had the kids holding up their names; it's a great way to learn everyone's name. We had a contest to see who could name the most students correctly - Mom did not win ...
