Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weekly Words

Wow!  Can you believe we have been at school for three weeks?  I am amazed by how much the children have grown and learned in this time.  Thank you parents for your continual support at home with your child.  The fine motor skills are looking better everyday.  

If you drop off your child at school, you know the students trace their name every morning.  With this extra practice, they are beginning to recognize and even write their name alone.  I have sent a laminated copy of their name practice sheet home with them today.  This is for you to keep.  They can trace their name with a dry erase marker, and it easily wipes away for the next time.  Make sure they are beginning at the yellow dot on each letter.  Don't forget, they should only be holding their pencil by the "mommy and daddy fingers" (pointer and thumb) and just resting on the others.

Next Monday September 23rd, Ms. Julie, our Early Childhood Coordinator, and Ms. Catherine, our librarian, will be holding a Literacy Morning in the library at 8:40.  They will talk with you more about reading with your child and all the services available in the library.

Next week will be the last week of our All About Me unit.  We will finish with learning about friends.  In math, we will begin patterning, and our letter of the week is C.  Please bring in one item beginning with the /Cc/ sound for our table.  We had so many B things this week, they would barely fit!!  This is a first for us.  :)  Thank you for discussing the letter of the week with your child. 

That's all for now.  Have a great weekend!

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