Thursday, May 22, 2014

Weekly Words

Hi Moms and Dads, 

Can you believe there are only 3 weeks of school left before KINDERGARTEN!!!  Wow!  It has flown by!!  Please continue to check the blog until the end of school for updates. 
This week was magical with Rapunzel, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Hansel and Gretel.  We loved our fairy tale unit!  For cooking, we made Rapunzel's golden blonde hair braid bread.  It was so much fun kneading the dough and twisting it into a braid.  And it was so tasty after we baked it in the oven.  Ms. Liz put the recipe in the slideshow so we can make it at home, too!  We also made our very own castles and crowns and will get to take them home next week after they dry.  Today we graphed our favorite fairy tale and Rapunzel won with 12 votes.  Then we wrote about it.  Our writing is getting fantastic and kindergarten ready!  We are sounding out our words, remembering spacemen, and even putting ending punctuation!  

Next week we will be moving on to review our alphabet with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  Swimming will be on Day 1: Wednesday.  There is no school Tuesday to observe the Prophet's Ascension.  

Have a lovely weekend!  Enjoy the slideshow.

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