Thursday, May 29, 2014

Weekly Words

WOW!!  Only 2 more weeks of school left.  I cannot believe it.  Our ECers are ready for kindergarten!  This week while reviewing our alphabet and alphabet sounds, the children showed us just how ready they are!  They flawlessly flew through the alphabet!

Next week, we will be going camping in EC!  Since it is so hot outside we decided to bring the outside to us... tent included!  We are excited about reading by flashlight, cooking around our "fire", and telling stories.  

Next Thursday is our Splash Day and the last day of swimming for this school year.  The groups will be combined for free choice pool fun so don't forget your suits. :) 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Weekly Words

Hi Moms and Dads, 

Can you believe there are only 3 weeks of school left before KINDERGARTEN!!!  Wow!  It has flown by!!  Please continue to check the blog until the end of school for updates. 
This week was magical with Rapunzel, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Hansel and Gretel.  We loved our fairy tale unit!  For cooking, we made Rapunzel's golden blonde hair braid bread.  It was so much fun kneading the dough and twisting it into a braid.  And it was so tasty after we baked it in the oven.  Ms. Liz put the recipe in the slideshow so we can make it at home, too!  We also made our very own castles and crowns and will get to take them home next week after they dry.  Today we graphed our favorite fairy tale and Rapunzel won with 12 votes.  Then we wrote about it.  Our writing is getting fantastic and kindergarten ready!  We are sounding out our words, remembering spacemen, and even putting ending punctuation!  

Next week we will be moving on to review our alphabet with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  Swimming will be on Day 1: Wednesday.  There is no school Tuesday to observe the Prophet's Ascension.  

Have a lovely weekend!  Enjoy the slideshow.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

School Holiday Announcement

The holiday for Prophet’s Ascension has been officially announced by the Omani Government as Tuesday, May 27School will resume on Wednesday, May 28.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Weekly Words

Hi Parents, 

Our fairytale unit has been a hit with the help of the book Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The children enjoyed making "troll smiles" on cooking day using an apple, raisins, and peanut butter.  

They also built their very own bridge collage.  Everyone did an excellent job of retelling the story when adding the characters to the bridge. 

Later, the children came up with words to describe the troll.

Then we discussed if we ever act like trolls.  Are we ever cranky?  What makes us cranky?

The responses were outstanding and ranged from "Sometimes I am like a troll when my brother does not share" to "Sometimes I am like a troll when I cannot play".  Their writing has really taken off!  We are very proud of the effort they all have given!
Next week we will be continuing our fairy tale unit with the books Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, and The Princess and the Pea.  If you have any fairy tales at home you would like to share, feel free to send them with your child. 

Swimming has been moved to Day 1 for the remainder of the year.  Next week, we will swim on Monday. 

Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Dramatic Play

Our little actors and actresses put on a lovely show of the fairy tales Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Three Billy Goats Gruff.  Enjoy the slideshow!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Weekly Words

First of all, THANK YOU to all of you for the wonderful week of lunches, goodies, and appreciation.  We sincerely could not have asked for a better group of students and parents! Your thoughtfulness has touched our hearts and reminded us that YOU are one of the many reasons we are so lucky to have your kiddos in our class!  
Basket full of goodies from letter A to Z!  Such a clever idea!

Swim Day has been switched from Day 2 to Day 1 for the remainder of the school year; therefore, this SUNDAY is swimming for our class.  Please remember to come dressed in swimwear, and bring a towel, swim cap, and change of clothes.

Next week, we are continuing our Fairy Tales unit with The Three Billy Goat Gruff.  The students did an excellent job acting out The Three Little Bears this week.  I am sure they would love to act it out at home for you!  

Lastly, thank you Mommies for attending our tea.  The children talked about it all day and thoroughly enjoyed preparing everything for you.   I will email you the Mother's Day slideshow for keepsake.  

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Weekly Words

Great job everyone on your healthy snacks!  Many students had all 5 food groups in their snack boxes this week!  Not only did the children eat them, but they could identify where each food belonged in the food pyramid.  Bravo!

Next Week's Important Dates:

Sunday- Swimming.  Please come to school dressed for the pool.  Don't forget your swim cap, towel, and change of clothes.

Wednesday:  Mother's Day Brunch.  We welcome all our mommies to join us in our classroom May 7th at 8:45 for a special hour of appreciation. 

Thursday:  Early Dismissal at noon. 

Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the slideshow.