Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Terry Fox Run

Today was a special one for us at TAISM.  Mrs. Judith Fox, Terry Fox's sister, joined us for our run.  We enjoyed meeting a part of Terry's family and having her in Oman all the way from Canada!  Our day was very exciting.  First, the 5th graders helped us with a cheer and put our Terry tattoos on.  Then, with Ms. Judith, we made our lap around the soccer field with pride!  After, we all ate yummy popsicles to cool off.  We are glad we had the chance to be a part of raising money to fight cancer, and now know anything is possible!!  We hope you enjoy our slideshow of the run.   

Happy Birthday Sid Ali

Today is Sid Ali's 5th birthday!  His dad Mr. Khaled brought the class cupcakes to celebrate.  Thank you for making our day even more fun, and happy birthday Sid Ali!

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Please wear EC shirts TOMORROW JANUARY 29th for our DentaCentre Field Trip.  Thank you!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Terry Fox Day TOMORROW!

Don't forget to send your child dressed and ready to run tomorrow.  EC will be having a miniature Terry Fox Run in the morning with just us!  If you purchased a bandana, please wear it, along with sneakers and a hat. If you would like to attend the Terry Fox Run in the afternoon, it will begin at 2pm. 

Also, our field trip to the dentist is Wednesday morning, and we only have one parent volunteer.  We need at least one more.  If you would like to chaperone, please let me know as soon as possible. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Weekly Words

Hi Parents,

We hope you are enjoying this lovely weekend. Thank you to all that attended Sports Day.  The children loved seeing their mommies and daddies there supporting them!  If you did not have the chance to join, it isn't too late to get involved!  This coming week is a busy one and we need parent volunteers.

Wednesday, January 29th is our class field trip to DentaCentre to meet a very special community helper- the dentist!  We welcome parents to help chaperone this event.  We will leave TAISM at 8:45am and return around 10:30.  If you are interested, please send a note in your child's notebook.

Other Happenings:

Tuesday, January 28- Terry Fox Run-  EC has a very short run the morning of the 28th with their teachers.  If you would like to return and join the longer run at the end of the day, you are welcome! :)

Shirt Sale-  A BIG thank you to our room mom Ms. Hina for arranging our class tshirts.  Without her help, it would not have been possible! The printers made a slight mistake in the sizes so we have some extra size 28 (small), if you are interested in purchasing another for a discounted price of 2omr.

Discover Oman-  Remember to check your child's folder for the DO permission slips.  In a couple weeks, we have many activities organized for exploring this wonderful country we live in!  Please sign and return the forms as soon as possible.  (Details on the form).

Enjoy the slideshow of sports day below!  See you Sunday!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sports Day Tomorrow!

Sports Day begins tomorrow at 9am, and all parents are invited to attend.  Please send your child in sneakers and a hat.  EC t-shirts have also arrived, and we will put them on your child when they come to class in the morning.  Be ready for an hour of fun!  See you then!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pizza, Pizza!

Today we got to be a community helper that everyone knows: a chef!  With the help of Pete's A Pizza by William Steig, we learned that making a pizza is easy and fun!  First, we kneaded and tossed our dough.  Next, we added sauce and cheese.  Then, some friends chose to add mushrooms and peppers.  At last, we baked it!  It was very yummy, and we all look forward to showing you our pizza baking skills at home.  We even graphed our favorite kind of pizza.  Surprisingly to Mrs. Liz, our favorite was mushroom.   Enjoy our slideshow!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

T-Shirts Available!

We have been able to have t-shirts made for EC at a reasonable price!  They will only cost 2.8 OMR and will be delivered this Tuesday.  We have ordered all the same size (medium) so they can be made quickly and received in time for your child to wear at Sports Day.  If you’d like to purchase a shirt, please send in 2.8 OMR next week.  

*A note will also be sent home Sunday with shirt information. 


Weekly Words

This week we have learned so much about our community and the people who work in our community called community helpers. We know that each helper has special tools they use to complete their job.  The fire fighter has a fire truck and water hose.  A nurse needs her stethoscope and thermometer.  As students we need our pencils and listening ears.  We even talked about what we want to be when we grow up.  Some of us want to be police officers, doctors, or even dancers! 

Next week we will continue our Community unit and learn about the letter P.  Please bring an object for our letter table that begins with the /Pp/ sound.  

Reminder!  Please send a hat to school with your child for recess.  Since the storm a few weeks ago blew away some of our shade, we need our hats to help block the sun and keep us cool.  Make sure to label the hat, and it can be kept in the classroom cubbies.

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, Jan 23:     Noon Dismissal/ Sports Day-  Parents are invited to attend our EC sports day.  It will take place 8:45-10am.  Remember to wear sunscreen, hats, and bring water bottles. 

Tuesday, Jan 28:     Terry Fox Run

Wednesday, Jan 29:    Field trip to DentaCentre (Permission slip in folder next week)

Enjoy the slideshow of the week below.  Have a great weekend!