Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Five Senses

This week 20 little children began to learn about their five senses.  We began with the sense of sight. With the help of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See, everyone saw many animals and made up some creatures of their own.  In our classroom we now have a polka-dot giraffe, a purple cat, and many more!

Next week we will be moving on to the sense of hearing.  This one should be an interesting sense since you must not talk to "hear".  Hopefully, it means it will be a nice and quiet week... we will see! ;)  We will also be learning about the letter I and the short vowel sound it makes.  Please bring in an object with the /Ii/ sound. 

We also had a couple of our friends turn FIVE this week!! :)  Jash's birthday was November 5th.  Jash's mommy Mrs. Madhavi brought in chocolate cake and goodie bags for everyone.  Thank you for making the class' day so special and we hope Jash had a wonderful birthday.  

Lenny's birthday was today!!  Our sweet Lenny told me that he feels a year older and he is now ready to be six!  ;)  Lenny's mommy and daddy brought in donuts for the class to share.  Thank you Monika and Joergen for the treats, and Happy Birthday Lenny!!

 I did not take as many pictures this week for some reason.. I will try to do better. :)  Below is a slideshow of the few I have.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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