Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Thank you baking mommies!  Because of your generosity, today we had a wonderful feast with really yummy pies.  The children loved the pumpkin, apple, lemon, and chocolate pies.  We invited all the EC classes to join us and had the chance to share our goodies with them too!  We are thankful to have such wonderful friends in Ms. Julie's and Ms. Carla's class.... not to forget, our amazing moms and dads!  Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy the slideshow!

Monday, November 25, 2013

We have five senses!

The last couple of weeks we have been learning about our five senses.  Today we discovered different flavors we taste.  We know that a lemon is SOUR and honey is SWEET.  Below is a slideshow of our faces when we tasted a lemon and honey.  Students are encouraged to think about the taste of the food they are eating.  Is it sweet, sour, bitter, salty, or spicy?  Did you like the way your food tastes?  Why or why not?


As you have read in the school newsletter, the Elementary School is having pajama day tomorrow.  Early Childhood has a pajama day during Dr. Seuss Week in March; therefore, do not have pajama day tomorrow.  Sorry if there was any confusion. 

Happy Birthday George!

Our sweet George turned 5 over the weekend, and his family joined us today to celebrate with a car cake.  Even his grandfather visiting from India was able to be here!  It was a wonderful treat.  Thank you Matthew and Mary for making our afternoon so special!  Happy Birthday George!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weekly Words

Hello Friends,

This week was definitely eventful with Ms. Wendy being here, National Day, and Rainbow Day!  We were very lucky to be able to join the big kids outside for the Rainbow Day picnic today.  We enjoyed our time outside and are looking forward to being part of this special day next year!  

Next week we will be learning about the sense of taste.... right in time for Thanksgiving!  Tuesday, we will have Pie Sharing with all of Early Childhood.  Ms. Hina, our classroom parent, may be contacting you to help supply pies.  We do not need many, so if Hina has not spoken with you, then we have it covered! :) Thank you for all your help!  

This coming Wednesday and Thursday there will be no school in celebration of National Day and Thanksgiving.  We hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the time with your family. 

Here are a few pictures from this week.  Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

J is for Jam

Strawberry jam or raspberry jam?  Which do you like the most?  Watch the slideshow below to see which type of jam sandwich was the class favorite!  It is a lot of fun to use our sense of taste!  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I is for Ice cream milkshakes!

It's Tuesday, and you know what that means!  Cooking day!  Today we made Ice cream milkshakes.  Granted, we are cooking with the long "i" sound, but that short "i" is a difficult one!   I have posted a few pictures in the slideshow below... even ones of our milkshake mustaches!  It is "Movember" of course. ;) 

There are also a few photos of us learning about our sense of sound with our shakers we made in class.  We observed that depending on the size of object you put inside the shaker, the softer the sounds became.  Enjoy!

I will be out until Monday for a funeral in America.  Ms. Wendy will be in our classroom along with Ms. Gita and Ms. Muna.  They will complete our week with There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Number and a special sound walk on Thursday.  Sunday, they will begin the sense of touch and the letter J... finally an easier one for objects!  Please send in an object beginning with the /Jj/ sound.  Thank you, and see you next week.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I is for iPad!

How lucky are we? The week we are learning about letter I, the technology fairy brings us iPads!  Today the students met Mr. Mike and learned about the correct way to use iPads in the classroom.  We are excited to finally utilize this new teaching tool and look forward to showing all the wonderful activities possible! 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Five Senses

This week 20 little children began to learn about their five senses.  We began with the sense of sight. With the help of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See, everyone saw many animals and made up some creatures of their own.  In our classroom we now have a polka-dot giraffe, a purple cat, and many more!

Next week we will be moving on to the sense of hearing.  This one should be an interesting sense since you must not talk to "hear".  Hopefully, it means it will be a nice and quiet week... we will see! ;)  We will also be learning about the letter I and the short vowel sound it makes.  Please bring in an object with the /Ii/ sound. 

We also had a couple of our friends turn FIVE this week!! :)  Jash's birthday was November 5th.  Jash's mommy Mrs. Madhavi brought in chocolate cake and goodie bags for everyone.  Thank you for making the class' day so special and we hope Jash had a wonderful birthday.  

Lenny's birthday was today!!  Our sweet Lenny told me that he feels a year older and he is now ready to be six!  ;)  Lenny's mommy and daddy brought in donuts for the class to share.  Thank you Monika and Joergen for the treats, and Happy Birthday Lenny!!

 I did not take as many pictures this week for some reason.. I will try to do better. :)  Below is a slideshow of the few I have.  Have a wonderful weekend!