Thursday, June 12, 2014

The LAST Weekly Words

Hi Parents, 

First of all, let me tell you, this year has been absolutely wonderful.  I will miss not only your children but you all as well.  Thank you for being the best group of parents a teacher could ask for!!  A HUGE thank you to you all for the sweet send off slideshow and spa gift card.  For those of you that may not know, I will not be teaching at TAISM next year.  I will however, be in Oman and sub in various classes so I hope to bump into you then!  I have posted the link to the slideshow made by Mrs. Hina below.  Seriously, tissues might be necessary... ok, maybe just for me. ;)

As for the kiddos, you guys were AWESOME!!!  And I wish you all the best in kindergarten and beyond.  Make sure to stop and see Mrs. Gita and Mrs. Muna next year as they will still be in the EC wing.  We love you, and have a fantastic summer!

Enjoy the last slideshow of the year!  I forced them all the take pictures with me during free station time so if the smiles are not the most genuine, I apologize. hehe.  Enjoy! 

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