Thursday, March 6, 2014

Weekly Words

Wow!  What wonderful banners!  The children were very proud to present their to the class about their countries, and everyone learned so much about all the different places in the world.  Thank you for helping make this project meaningful.  Enjoy the slideshow.

The next few weeks are very busy. Please see the below schedule and mark your calendars! 

Sunday, March 9-  NO SCHOOL- Staff Inservice 
M, T, W, Th- Country Show and Tell (Many parents have signed up to share! We look forward to having you here!)
Saturday, March 15- International Day-  EC is preforming.  Please be in the Bosch Hall lobby by 3:10.  Native country dress is encouraged.
Wednesday, March 19-  Parent/Teacher Conferences*
Thursday, March 20- Parent/Teacher Conferences*

*Conferences this trimester are student led.  This is an opportunity for your child to show you everything they have learned this year!  Conference times have gone home today in your child's folder.  Please sign and return these next week.  

Next week, we will continue our All Around the World unit and letter W will join us.  Please bring an object beginning with the /W/ sound for our letter table.  

Have a relaxing three day weekend.  See you Monday!

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