Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weekly Words

Welcome to Seussville!  All week we have celebrated the author Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss).  We began with Hats off to Dr. Seuss and wore our favorite hat and read The Cat in the Hat!  We learned all about rhyming words and -at families.  We even made our own cat hats.  

Fox in Socks was next, and it was so much fun.  Everyone wore crazy socks while we graphed the number of colors in our socks.  Most of our socks had more than 3 colors!

Tuesday, all dressed in green, we read Green Eggs and Ham, and we cooked green eggs ourselves.  Just like in the book, many of us did not want to taste the green eggs.  After a little convincing, everyone had a try and most of us thought green eggs were yummy! 

Wednesday was really wacky, and we made our own Seuss character!  After reading There's a Wocket in my Pocket, we made a rhyming word with pocket and created our own pocket creature.  We had zockets, mockets, shockets, tockets, and more! We also graphed the number of pockets we were wearing.  Jad had the most with 11!  He could carry about a lot of Wockets!   

Dr. Seuss' The Sleep Book was the class favorite.  While dressed in our pajamas, we celebrated Dr. Seuss birthday with a brunch.  Natalia's mom brought in pancakes for everyone. They were the perfect end to our Dr. Seuss week.  

It was so much fun celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday!  We can't wait until the next one!  We hope you enjoy the slideshow of all our Silly Seussness! 

Next week we will be beginning our Cultural Awareness unit where we will learn about all the different countries and cultures that makes our international classroom so unique.  Be on the look out for an At Home Project.  This banner project is designed for you and your child to help show the class about your native country.  The banners are due next Thursday but are welcomed anytime before.

We will also be learning about the letter V.  Please send in an object beginning with the /Vv/ sound. 

Upcoming Important Dates:
Thursday, March 6-  At Home Project due
Sunday, March 9- No School- Staff Inservice
Saturday, March 15- International Day @3-7pm.  EC will sing at 3:10.  More details coming soon.
Wednesday&Thursday, March 19&20- Parent/Teacher Conferences (your assigned time will be given soon)

That's all for now.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Ps.  For more Dr. Seuss fun, visit

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hat Day

Hats off to all my friends!  Everyone remembered our Dr. Seuss dress up day today!    
See the slideshow for photos. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weekly Words

This week in EC2 was tremendous with letter T!  We had tons of T objects for our letter of the week table including a telephone, turtle, tiger, and tea.  Next week is letter U.  A tough one!  Please bring a object beginning with the /u/ sound. 

Tuesday we "cooked" toast and cut them into triangles.  Then we tasted them with peanut butter on one triangle and cinnamon on the other and voted on our favorite.  It was close call but cinnamon won with 1 vote!  We had a great time tasting.  

We also learned about time this week.  With the help of Cookie's Week by Cindy Ward and Today is Monday by Eric Carle we know our 7 days of the week.  And lucky us, we have two days of the week begin with the letter T! 

Next week we will celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday and have special dress up days.  There is a note in our folder with the days, books, and dress up activities.  We cannot wait to wear our hats and crazy socks!  Best of all, on Thursday we get to wear our pajamas!  We could just roll out of bed and come to school.  Mrs. Liz said we have to brush our teeth though. ;)  Below is a list of our Dr. Seuss Days.

Sunday- Hat Day
Monday- Crazy Sock Day
Tuesday- Green Day
Wednesday- Pocket Day
Thursday- Pajama Day

 Have a great weekend, and see you Sunday with your hats on!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

100th Day of School

Oh what fun we had on the 100th day of school!  We began our day with an assembly with all of EC where we worked our muscles with 100 exercises, sang to 100 and we're quiet for 100 seconds!  We even got to eat 1 of 100 cupcakes!  Plus we made our 100 day trail mix with the help of everyone in our class bringing 100 pieces of food.  We ate most of it during snack time, but brought a small bag home to share with you.  Mrs. Liz also aged overnight and became 100 years old.  Later we made a self portrait of what we would look like at 100, and finished the day with 100 stickers on our 100th day glasses!  Enjoy the slideshow of our 100th day of school! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome Francesca!

Please welcome our sweet new student Francesca. She and her family recently moved to Muscat, and we are glad to have them at TAISM. :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

100th Day Trail Mix

Today we had our first friend bring in 100 pieces of food for our class 100th Day Trail Mix!  He brought in 100 raisins.  Great Job!  Remember the 100th day of school is Tuesday.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weekly Words

Rain couldn't stop our Omani Tent Day!  We moved inside to the green gym and enjoyed the festivities.  Below is a slideshow of all our fun! Next week we will be celebrating the 100th day of school. Can you believe it?! 100 DAYS!!! I feel lucky to have gotten to know your growing little ones the last 100 days and look forward to the rest of the year with them! On Tuesday, we will be making a 100th Day Trail Mix with your help. Please send in 100 small pieces of food to add to our class trail mix. It can be anything small and dry. For example, raisins, gold fish, pretzels, Cheerios, small marshmallows, etc. We look forward to seeing what 100 pieces they bring. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow and hope you had a lovely weekend.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

S is for Silly Sandwiches!

Today with the help of Mr. Seal we "cooked" Silly Sandwiches.  Even though Seal put sardines, spaghetti, and spinach in his sandwich, we decided to only put cheese and cucumbers in ours.  We then cut them into silly shapes and ate them up!  Enjoy the silly sandwich slideshow.

Omani Tent Day

Reminder: Omani Tent Day is tomorrow. Please dress in Oman National Clothing.  For an example see the photo below of last year's students. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Turtles in Oman

Today we had a visit from a turtle specialist Ms. Maya.  We learned so much from Mrs. Maya like female turtles lay over 100 eggs on the sand!  We also know that turtles do not breathe under water and can hold their breath for an hour.  In Oman, sea turtles can be seen in many places on the coast.  A lot of us have even seen them in person.  They lay their eggs, cover them with sand, and two months later the eggs hatch and out pop baby turtles!  Thank you Mrs. Maya for joining us today and teaching us all about turtles in Oman.

Oman Show and Tell

Thank you for sharing your pieces of Oman with us!  We had a wide variety of goodies to show and tell, and the children enjoyed learning about the country which they reside.   We look forward to seeing the children in Omani dress on Thursday for the Omani Village Day. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Don't Forget!

Omani Show and Tell
So far, we have had one friend bring in an Omani artifact he would like to share with our class.  If you have something at home, your child would like to share, please send it to school tomorrow.

Jane Jaffer visits EC!

Our class has been creating books for the last couple weeks.  We work really hard to illustrate and write books of our own.  Today, we got to visit an actual author of a published book!  Jane Jaffer came to TAISM and shared her book Dana and the Dolphin

It is a great story of a girl that gets stuck at sea and needs a little help from a dolphin to make it to her sister's wedding!  The children really enjoyed it.  The setting of the book takes place in Oman, so all the children could relate to seeing the dow boats and dolphins.  The book is also illustrated by children.  We are really excited to know that children can create books just like adults! 

Thank you Mrs. Jaffer for reading us your story today.  We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Weekly Words

Good Afternoon Parents, 

What a busy week it has been in EC!  With Discover Oman, field trips, and special cooking, the children should be exhausted this weekend... Or maybe just the teachers? ;)  At least it was fun!  We hoped the children enjoyed it as well.  Below is a slideshow of our friends learning about the date tree and cooking with Mrs. Habiba and Mrs. Sabrina.  

Next week, we will complete Discover Oman with Jane Jaffer reading her book Dana and the Dolphin, a turtle day where we will learn all about the sea turtles in Oman, and Omani tent day!  

We also will be having an Omani Show and Tell Monday.  Your child may bring anything they would like to share about Oman.  In the past we have had books, clothing, jewelry, and food.  

In short, here is a schedule for the week:

Sunday-  Dana and the Dolphin
Monday- Omani Show and Tell
Tuesday- Turtle Day
Wednesday- Library (switched from Monday)
Thursday- Omani Tent Day-  your child may dress up in Omani clothing 

Let me know if you have any questions.  I know it is a lot for one week, but what can we do?  Oman has A LOT to discover! :)   

Monday, February 3, 2014

Exploring the Natural History Museum

Wow!  The Natural History Museum was a lot of fun!  We got to see huge bones from a sperm whale and hear the sounds the whales make.  We found out that in Oman, we see and hear two types of whales: sperm and humpback.  We also see and hear dolphins.  Most of us have seen the dolphins in the ocean, but we really wish we could see the big whales too!  Next time we are on the beach we are going to keep watch!  After the Whale Exhibit we moved on to the Natural History Museum.  We got to see all sorts of animals that live in Oman.  Our favorite was the leopard, but also saw oryx, owls, hedgehog, lizards, snakes, and many more!  Thank you to the nice people at the Natural History Museum that let us visit today and gave us coloring books.  We can't wait to go back!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Natural History Museum Tomorrow!

Hi Parents,

This week is a busy one!  Discover Oman is in full swing with many events planned for the next two weeks.  EC only has one field trip as the rest of DO is on campus.  

The field trip to the Natural History Museum is tomorrow (Monday, Feb 3)!  If you have not returned the permission slip, we have placed an extra in your child's folder for you to sign.  If this is not returned, they will not be able to attend.

Please wear our EC tshirts for the field trip... Wow! 3 times in 3 weeks!  We never knew we would get so much wear! :)

I will continue to inform you as we discover the beautiful country of Oman.  Please check the blog regularly for pictures and updates.


Our Trip to the Dentist

It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time visiting the DentaCentre.  I wish I could have been there to see the excitement.  The children told me about sugar bugs and Mr. Thirsty this morning and said they can't wait to go back to the dentist!  A HUGE thank you to our community helpers Dina and Greg at DentaCentre for allowing us to visit for the third year in a row!  They are truly amazing hosts and dentists!  Who knew going to the dentist could be fun?!  Below is a slideshow of a few pictures Ms. Muna snapped at the dentist.  Enjoy!