Thursday, December 5, 2013

Weekly Words

It has been a great week in EC2!  Gingerbread people have appeared many times through our books The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Baby, and Gingerbread Cowboy!  It has been so much fun baking, making, measuring with, sorting, and eating gingerbread!  Today we baked a special gingerbread man in our kitchen.  When we came back from recess, he was gone with only a note left for us to read.  Look at the pictures below to find out what happened!

The Gingerbread Man is gone!  Let's read his note to find out where he is!

Luke reads, "Run, run, as fast as you can.  You can't catch me.  I'm the Gingerbread Man!"

The search is on!  Where can he be?

Not under the rug!

I think we found him!!  What a sneaky gingerbread man!

Can you spot our gingerbread man?  We made sure to eat him quickly so he couldn't run anymore!


Winter Wonderland: Wednesday, Dec 12th 3:30-5:00pm  -  Please be sure to turn in your Winter Wonderland permission forms.  Remember parents must accompany all EC children. 

 Early Childhood Winter Concert:  We have been practicing all week and are excited to see you there!  December 19th at 8:45.

Below are pictures from our week (too many!).  I apologize for the overload.. catching up, I guess. ;)

Have a great weekend!

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