Thursday, December 19, 2013

EC Winter Concert

Thank you for attending our EC Winter Concert.  The children were so excited to perform for you and have been talking about it all week!  We hope you enjoyed their sweet voices and smiling faces!  Below are pictures from a parent camera and the class camera.  If you would like to share more, send them our way.  Have a wonderful holiday.  See you January 7th. 

Luke moves to Dubai

Our sweet Luke is moving to Dubai with his family over Winter Break.  Mrs. Sey, Luke's mommy, stopped in this week for a farewell party.  We will miss you Luke but are very happy you are so close! Good luck at your new school; we know you will be awesome!

Ice Skating in the Desert

Since we are in Muscat and do not see many frozen lakes, we decided to have a little winter fun in our classroom by ice skating!  We pushed back tables and carpets, used paper plates for our skates, and glided around the hard floor.  The children loved it (teachers, too!), and it will definitely be an activity to repeat!  Enjoy the slideshow.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Don't forget our EC Winter Concert is tomorrow, Thursday, December 19th at 8:45.  Please have your child in the classroom by 8:30 dressed in red and white.  We are excited to see you there!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Weekly Words

It has been a magical week in EC2!  We met Munching Mike from Letterland, and he helped us learn the sound letter M makes.  This week we had many M objects from a map to Mickey Mouse to a moon!  Keep them coming.  The student love to show off their knowledge of the letter of the week.  Next week is letter N. 

With the holiday right around the corner, and "winter" settling in, we have had a lot of fun with our stories this week.  They were all about the cold weather and snow- Something that many of us have only seen in books like The Mitten and Snowballs.  This week we paired mittens, made hot cocoa, made patterns with candy canes, and sorted our seasons.  If you travel anywhere over the holiday where there is snow, please bring a picture of your child outside to share!  Everyone is very excited to see friends bundled up in the white snow.  We only ask you to not put a snowball in your pocket!  Thanks to the book The Snowy Day, we all knows what happens! :) 

Next week, we will have our EC Winter Concert on Thursday at 8:45.  Please ensure your child is in the classroom no later than 8:30 dressed in red and/or white.  We have been practicing for you and hope to see you there!

Enjoy the slideshow of a few of our winter adventures. 


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

M is for Marshmallow!

It's Tuesday-- cooking day!  Today we made Mugs full of hot cocoa with Marshmallows!  First, we heated the milk.  Then we got to pick out our mug and add 2 teaspoons of cocoa inside.  After the milk was warm, we poured it in and mixed!  It was so easy!  And an extra surprise, we got to add a marshmallow on top.  It was very yummy.  Most of us liked the marshmallows, but some of us did not.  Look at our graph in the slideshow to see!

Writing in EC2!

This week we began writing in our journals.  Please encourage your child to label their pictures at home.  Remember, it does not have to be "correct".  We want the children to take risks and use their letter sound knowledge.  Please see the example below. 
In this, you see that we used our phonetic knowledge to spell the words.  Even writing the first letter sound is progress so label, label, label!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Weekly Words

It has been a great week in EC2!  Gingerbread people have appeared many times through our books The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Baby, and Gingerbread Cowboy!  It has been so much fun baking, making, measuring with, sorting, and eating gingerbread!  Today we baked a special gingerbread man in our kitchen.  When we came back from recess, he was gone with only a note left for us to read.  Look at the pictures below to find out what happened!

The Gingerbread Man is gone!  Let's read his note to find out where he is!

Luke reads, "Run, run, as fast as you can.  You can't catch me.  I'm the Gingerbread Man!"

The search is on!  Where can he be?

Not under the rug!

I think we found him!!  What a sneaky gingerbread man!

Can you spot our gingerbread man?  We made sure to eat him quickly so he couldn't run anymore!


Winter Wonderland: Wednesday, Dec 12th 3:30-5:00pm  -  Please be sure to turn in your Winter Wonderland permission forms.  Remember parents must accompany all EC children. 

 Early Childhood Winter Concert:  We have been practicing all week and are excited to see you there!  December 19th at 8:45.

Below are pictures from our week (too many!).  I apologize for the overload.. catching up, I guess. ;)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

You're Invited!

Early Childhood Winter Concert
December 19, 2013
In the Amphitheater
(grassy area outside EC classrooms)

-Brunch to follow organized by the room mothers-
-EC performers should be dressed in red and/or white.-

*Concert begins promptly at 8:45.  Please ensure your child is in the classroom by 8:30.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Run, run, as fast as you can!" -Gingerbread Man

With the help of our trusty books The Gingerbread Man retold by Eric Kimmel and The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Ernst, we baked our very own gingerbread people today.  We left them in the oven without peeking the entire 8 minutes and not even one jumped out shouting, "Catch me if you can!"  We were lucky!  Enjoy the slideshow of the fun!

We concluded our day with reading the introduction of Jan Brett's Gingerbread Baby.  Ask your child how they think the gingerbread baby will get away.  We will find out the answer tomorrow morning after sharing our predictions.