Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weekly Words

Hello Friends,

This week was definitely eventful with Ms. Wendy being here, National Day, and Rainbow Day!  We were very lucky to be able to join the big kids outside for the Rainbow Day picnic today.  We enjoyed our time outside and are looking forward to being part of this special day next year!  

Next week we will be learning about the sense of taste.... right in time for Thanksgiving!  Tuesday, we will have Pie Sharing with all of Early Childhood.  Ms. Hina, our classroom parent, may be contacting you to help supply pies.  We do not need many, so if Hina has not spoken with you, then we have it covered! :) Thank you for all your help!  

This coming Wednesday and Thursday there will be no school in celebration of National Day and Thanksgiving.  We hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the time with your family. 

Here are a few pictures from this week.  Have a lovely weekend!

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