Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cathy Cook's Carrot Salad

It's Tuesday, and you know what that means!  Cooking!!  Today we went to the EC kitchen and made a tongue twister, Cathy Cook's Carrot Salad, that also happened to be a tongue pleaser.  The children loved it!  This carrot salad is definitely not my favorite (not a fan of mayo), but the kiddos crunch away.  You can find the recipe in the slideshow below and in your child's folder.  They made a small recipe booklet so they can recreate at home.  Let me know if you have any luck in your kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. We have had the carrot salad twice now, but we are happy to let the kids eat ALL of it. The recipe book inspired Peter's older brother to make his own!
