Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Banana Milkshakes

Today we made banana milkshakes in honor of letter B.  Before our short trip to the kitchen, Ms. Liz taught us a Banana Dance.  To learn the dance, click on the link below.

After our dance, Ms. Muna took us to the kitchen where she helped us cut our bananas and add milk.  Then we got to take the blender and mix it all up.  The milkshakes were delicious!  Here are a few photos of our banana milkshake fun!

1 comment:

  1. The little ones are cooking. YAY! Something that wasn't much of a part of my early childhood. I was probably in my early 20's before I could make a banana milkshake. So glad to see our little friends enjoying this sensory experience. I'm curious to know what other delectable items they will create in the months to come. BTW - if you ever need an extra food processor or blender for a day, let me know.
