Monday, September 30, 2013

It's Fall Y'all!

Finally... it is Fall.  The temperature is beginning to decline and the tree leaves are changing color.... well maybe not in Oman.   However it IS Fall in our classroom!  We began our unit with learning about the changing colors of leaves and how they fall off of trees.  With the beautiful leaves of red, yellow, and orange in our discussion, we decided to see what would happen if we took red and yellow and mixed them together.

Look at the slideshow below of us marble painting our Fall leaf.  Can you see what color yellow and red made?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Weekly Words

Hello, again!

This week was crazy with letter C!  We met Clever Cat and Corduroy.  Many children brought in C objects ranging from calculators to cars!  We cooked Cathy's Carrot Salad and learned about patterns through Caps For Sale!

We will begin our Fall unit on Sunday.  We will begin by learning about the seasonal changes that happen in the Fall... (in most places ;) ).  We will continue reviewing patterns and shapes in math and meet Dippy Duck from Letterland.  Please bring one object beginning with the /Dd/ sound for the letter of the week table.   

This Monday is an early release day for teacher inservice.  School will be over at NOON.  Please make arrangements for your child.

Mark your calendars!
Conferences will be next month on October 29th and 30th.  Be looking for your scheduled time in your child's folder.  I am excited to speak with you.

Enjoy the weekly slideshow below, and I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Ms. Liz  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cathy Cook's Carrot Salad

It's Tuesday, and you know what that means!  Cooking!!  Today we went to the EC kitchen and made a tongue twister, Cathy Cook's Carrot Salad, that also happened to be a tongue pleaser.  The children loved it!  This carrot salad is definitely not my favorite (not a fan of mayo), but the kiddos crunch away.  You can find the recipe in the slideshow below and in your child's folder.  They made a small recipe booklet so they can recreate at home.  Let me know if you have any luck in your kitchen!

Caps For Sale

This week in math we are focusing on patterns.  Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina is not only a wonderful book to help with patterning, it also is super fun to act out!  After we read the book, we loved towering our hats high on our heads and being the monkeys that took them away!  Who knew patterns are everywhere, even on our heads!  Later, we made our own peddler and patterned caps on top of him.  We really enjoyed this book and hope you like the slideshow of us acting and creating. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Literacy Meeting Tomorrow


EC Literacy Meeting tomorrow September 23rd at 8:45am in the library.  Ms. Julie and Ms. Catherine look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weekly Words

Wow!  Can you believe we have been at school for three weeks?  I am amazed by how much the children have grown and learned in this time.  Thank you parents for your continual support at home with your child.  The fine motor skills are looking better everyday.  

If you drop off your child at school, you know the students trace their name every morning.  With this extra practice, they are beginning to recognize and even write their name alone.  I have sent a laminated copy of their name practice sheet home with them today.  This is for you to keep.  They can trace their name with a dry erase marker, and it easily wipes away for the next time.  Make sure they are beginning at the yellow dot on each letter.  Don't forget, they should only be holding their pencil by the "mommy and daddy fingers" (pointer and thumb) and just resting on the others.

Next Monday September 23rd, Ms. Julie, our Early Childhood Coordinator, and Ms. Catherine, our librarian, will be holding a Literacy Morning in the library at 8:40.  They will talk with you more about reading with your child and all the services available in the library.

Next week will be the last week of our All About Me unit.  We will finish with learning about friends.  In math, we will begin patterning, and our letter of the week is C.  Please bring in one item beginning with the /Cc/ sound for our table.  We had so many B things this week, they would barely fit!!  This is a first for us.  :)  Thank you for discussing the letter of the week with your child. 

That's all for now.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shelter in Place

Occasionally TAISM will have safety drills.  Today we got to experience our first one!  The Immediate Shelter in Place drill was practiced this morning at 8:50.  We all hid safely in our classrooms with lights off and doors locked.  I explained that we had to stay seated and very quiet.  They all did an excellent job!   

Banana Milkshakes

Today we made banana milkshakes in honor of letter B.  Before our short trip to the kitchen, Ms. Liz taught us a Banana Dance.  To learn the dance, click on the link below.

After our dance, Ms. Muna took us to the kitchen where she helped us cut our bananas and add milk.  Then we got to take the blender and mix it all up.  The milkshakes were delicious!  Here are a few photos of our banana milkshake fun!

Happy Birthday Karma

Our precious Karma turned 4 today!  Her mommy Hend helped the class celebrate with butterfly cupcakes and juice.  Thank you Ms. Hend for making our day extra special.  Happy birthday Karma.  We hope it is wonderful!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bouncy Ben

Today we met Bouncy Ben from Letterland.  Bouncy Ben makes the /Bb/ sound.  He helped us create a long list of B objects ranging from balls to butterflies. 

We also decorated our own letter B today for our alphabet book.  We got to Blow Blue Bubbles on the letter B paper.  It was a little messy, so if you see some blue on our hands or faces, it is just watercolor and will come off with a little soap. :)  Enjoy the slideshow of all the blue bubbles!

Reminder:  Library is tomorrow.  Please send your child's library bag and book to school on Sunday (today).  If you forgot this week, I will forgive you. ;)  Just send it in tomorrow so your kiddo can check out a new book!  

The Apple Literacy Bag is making it's rounds from house to house beginning today.  The Leader of the Day will take it for the night.  Please enjoy the activities in the bag with your child and send it back the following day for the next child to use.  

The blue communication notebook was placed in your child's folder today.  This is the one I mentioned at open house.  Keep this notebook in the folder so it can be returned daily.  Please use this as the form of communication if you have a note we need to see before the afternoon as I do not have time to check my email during the day.  Ex. "Sally will be going home with Sam today."  We will occasionally write you in the notebook as well.  Ex. "Sally fell on the playground today and scrapped her knee.  She was given a bandaid. "

Have a good evening, and see you in the morning!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

All About Me! -Week 2

This week was Awesome!  We met Annie Apple from Letterland and learned all about the sound she makes.  We also had a nice A table full of objects ranging from airplanes and alligators to anchovies.  Thank you for sending such amazing objects!

With the help of the book Ten Apples on Top, we practiced counting and number recognition.  Then we made a class book with apples on our heads!  This will be part of our first Literacy Bag.  The Literacy Bag will begin it's journey from house to house on Sunday.  Please enjoy the book and the activity inside for one night; then quickly return it the next day for the child waiting.  

We also tasted 2 different kinds of apples.  We found out that red apples are sweet and green apples are more sour.  We graphed our favorite then made a patterned cheese and apple kabob.  Most of us liked the green apples.   

We began learning All About Me.  We made faces that look like us and graphed the number of boys and girls.  Can you tell which has the most?
 Next week we will continue our All About Me unit and begin discussing feelings.  We also will introduce letter B.  You may send an object that begins with the /Bb/ sound.  In Math, we will begin shapes.   

Once again, I want to thank you all for coming to Back to School Night.  This year would not be successful without the help of you wonderful parents!  

Remember, feel free to comment on the blog.  I even had a parent tell me this week the blog helped spark conversation between their child and the grandparents residing in America.  This communication is for you, so be sure to take advantage. ;)

Enjoy the weekly slideshow below and have a fabulous weekend!

Ms. Liz

Home Project Presentations

Excellent job on the All About Me project!  I can really tell that the practice at home paid off, and the children were excited to share with the class everything they had created.  I have posted a slide show below of the presentations.  (No Jitter Juice Needed ;) )

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Louis!

Our friend Louis turned 4 today!  Everyone was very excited about our first birthday celebration.  Thank you to Ms. Sarah, Louis' mommy, for sending in cupcakes and juice to celebrate.  The students were extremely grateful. Happy Birthday Louis and we hope you have a wonderful birthday evening!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday is Library Day!

Today we visited the library!  We met Ms. Catherine, the librarian.  She read us If You Give A Moose a Muffin and taught us how to check out books.   Then, we picked out our first book to borrow and take home!  

You will notice your child will be bringing a book home every Monday in their blue and white labeled library bag.  Enjoy this book with your child and return it to school no later than Sunday so your child will be able to check out another story.  We have an amazing library at TAISM so if you ever have a free moment to visit with your child, you will not be let down! :)  Here are a few pictures from our first library visit.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Annie Apple Says A!

Today we met Annie Apple from LetterLand. 

We will travel to LetterLand every Sunday to meet a new letter and sound.  We learned that Annie Apple says the sound /A/ just like axe, ape, and ant!  Thank you for sending A objects for our Letter of the Week table.  We have a lengthy list already. 

Also, our first Home Project was sent in your child's folder today.  Please complete with your child and try to return it by Thursday.  It will help us learn about each other in our All About Me unit. 

REMINDER:  Back to school night is tomorrow.  Please join us at 6:30 (5:45 for new TAISM parents) in the Bosch Hall.  See you there!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wonderful Week One!

Hi Parents,

What a wonderful first week!  Thank you all for sending in the signed blog and info sheets.  Now I can post some pics of your cuties!  We have spent this week getting to know all of the students and learning to ins and outs of our classroom!  I am finally being called Ms. Liz instead of "teacher".... well, most of the time.  AND the children are beginning to pick up on all the routines of the classroom, learning to use the SMART board, and how to hold their pencil correctly.   Ask your child about their favorite part of the first week! 

With the help of the book First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg we flew through the first week of school with little fear and only a few tears.  And thanks to the yummy Jitter Juice we made (orange juice with a splash of ginger ale), most of our jitters, we drank away!  

This week we also figured out how many letters are in our names.  Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes guided us through the counting.  Chrysanthemum has 13 letters in her name!  We were lucky with the longest name in our class being only 9 letters. :)

Here are the children on their first day of school. And people ask why I love my job... just look at those precious faces!!!

 Next week will be another busy one.  Monday Sept. 9th will be Back to School Night.  I encourage all parents to attend.  We will tell you all about the classroom, explain all procedures, and answer any questions.  It begins at 6:30 (5:45 for new TAISM parents) in the Bosch Center.  I am excited to see you there... I might need a little Jitter Juice before our meeting. ;)  Now I know how the kids feel! 

We will also begin the unit All About Me and learn about the letter A.  Sunday you may bring in an object beginning with the /Aa/ sound.  This will stay in our classroom all week and be sent home on Thursday.

That is all for now.  Here are a few more pictures of the week.  Enjoy!

Have a great weekend,
Ms. Liz